ON EXISTENTIALISM: PURSUIT OF AN INTRINSIC LIFE (posts of interest, 'at intervals')



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Press CTRL+F on a laptop or desktop, to search the term 'shelter'... ...via the above site/link... That word, appears '19' times... 


CLIMBING THE STAIRCASE (2whiz105.blogspot.com)

A photo of me, at 11:46 AM... on 10/6/21... ...having stopped by the restroom area, of 'a shelter'... ...in Philadelphia, PA...

4,348 stars? ...counted...?

Apparently, astronomy in certain countries of Asia (such as Japan)... ...must be 'very advanced,' regarding 'their' knowledgebase... ...of 'cosmological mapping'... Ring galaxies, always 'intrigue' me... ...regarding their structure...

10:39 PM (3/21/24):
Apparently, an Einstein (or a Mozart) is 1 out of 1 billion (in relation to the human populace, in terms of rarity)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

One of my favorite Dragon Ball Super characters, is 'Goku Black'... He was a dude, who could 'travel through dimensions'... 
NOTE #1:
'Assuming' Jesus Christ ascended to heaven ('which I believe, He did')... ...then Jesus, likely 'traveled... through dimensions'... ...to do that...
4:42 PM (3/21/24):
When I say 'travel through dimensions,' such is in the context... ...of humans experiencing, a 3-dimensional universe... ...in the context, of that... which is physical.
There are '3' spatial dimensions - length, width and height/depth... ...and time, is '1' temporal dimension... 
NOTE #2:
"After Jesus said this, He was taken up before their very eyes... ...and a cloud, hid Him... ...from their sight..." - Acts 1:9
“...'Men of Galilee,' they said, 'why do you stand here... looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you... into heaven... ...will come back, in the 'same way'... ...as you have watched Him, go... into heaven'..." - Acts 1:11

4:42 PM (3/21/24):
Maybe 'they' were looking, in the wrong direction...

8:53 AM (3/21/24):
Yesterday, I was telling my mom (on our way to COSTCO)... ...how I am inclined to believe, that astronauts may be those... ...who are 'well-traveled,' on Earth... ...and/or passionately curious, about 'exploration'... ...of other celestial bodies ('orbiting worlds'), other than Earth (other planets, along... ...with moons)

8:50 AM (3/21/24):
"I think the double-helix structure, of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)... ...is particularly interesting. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes, in the human body (a total of '46,' individually)... ...and DNA has a geometric shape, that could be likened... ...to an 'hourglass'... ...which is similar, to the number '8'...

3:16 PM (3/20/24):
2:53-3:02 of this song, seemed like an 'existential crescendo'... ...given that a crescendo, is denoted... ...as some 'highlight,' of a song (often, where the audio... gets louder)

3:14 PM (3/20/24):
"Accreditation is affiliated, with accountability..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

What stuck out to me, was the ending portion... of this video...
"...but before Mars, the moon... is calling..." - Tom Costello, NBC News


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