I’m 54. My Dad 84. Black Don’t Crack #Shorts - YouTube 


Robert Zane is black?? - YouTube 


20 behaviours that accelerate aging (msn.com)


NobelPrize.org (https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/lists/all-nobel-prizes-in-physics/)


The King’s tunnel fits have evolved through the years 👑👀 #NBAIsBack #KingJames #nba #basketball (tiktok.com) 

(Lebron James' physical transformation, over the course of 2 decades - 2003-2022*)


December 20, 2021

 2:08 PM (12/20/21): "It seems logical to follow the course in life, which is most efficient for realizing that... which is intrinsically ideal... This could be denoted by the notion of being 'debt-free,' 'having vitality/excellent health' and 'spiritual investments'... To know one is on such a path, can be challenging... but steps can be taken, to give the prospect greater credence..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Princess and the Goblin (1991) Trailer (VHS Capture) - YouTube (0:57-0:59)


2:54 PM (12/20/21): "Regarding me:

Chronological age: 32

Biological age (theoretically): 28, 26, 23, 21, 19, or 17 

Michael Izuchukwu (@MichaelIzuchu17) / Twitter (cover photo features me on the verge of 17, in the Fall of 2006 - October 7, 2006)


3:37 PM (12/20/21): 19

7:33 AM (12/21/21): 

11:35 AM (12/21/21): 16?

(I guess it's been a week since that picture was taken... at least, for me... in the context of spacetime)


11:39 AM (12/21/21): "Indeed... a long nap, I suppose..." - Brooke Kinsaul

9:59 AM (1/12/22): 2?

10:01 AM (1/12/22): "Something about spacetime, and aging..." - Brooke Kinsaul

10:01 AM (1/12/22): "Indeed, Brooke..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:04 PM (1/14/22): 0.3?

5:07 PM (1/14/22): "That would be truly amazing, my Prince... asymptotically aging, biologically... is no easy feat..." - Amara DiFrancesco

5:08 PM (1/14/22): "Indeed, Amara..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:10 PM (1/14/22): "There is no secret to the fact, that one has to walk in the ways of the spirit... to partake in 'asymptotic aging'... to the utmost extent... When such is done, the homeostatic processes of the body... are optimal, and one experiences 'internal rejuvenation'... which is shown, externally..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:23 PM (1/14/22): 

Michio Kaku speaking about the Fountain of Youth - YouTube

(October 16, 2020)
5:30 PM (1/14/22): "It has been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and I do agree... Over time, one's metabolic rate... tends to decline, in accordance with a greater susceptibility for being sedentary... but in the context of spacetime, if 2 waffles with '3' eggs (scrambled) in year 1... is equivalent to the 'satiety factor' of 1 waffle and '2' eggs (scrambled)... 1.25 years later... that may be an indication of an enhanced 'dietary efficiency,' that reflects one has increased his/her spiritual fortification... assuming he/she is mentally and physically sharp, and sees no apparent need... to regress, in his/her dietary tendencies..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:43 PM (1/14/22): "One must be mindful of eggs' 'cholesterol content'... too much, can clog one's arteries..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(Some black Oreo's & milk, from 10/19/20 at 8:03 AM)

5:56 PM (1/14/22): "Something about milk and cookies, can be beneficial... for energization purposes, if done in moderation... Over time, I have developed a subtle 'resistance,' to such... I surmise that such is an indication, that '3' of the 'featured' cookies... would feel like those '6' to me, now (assuming I was equally hungry, in both scenarios)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(Dispensed orange soda & hotdogs, from 5/18/20 at 9:48 PM)

6:03 PM (1/14/22): "It's best to not eat too late at night, due to the difficulty of digestion... when one's metabolism slows, at that time of day..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(lettuce, tomato, onion, chicken, bacon strips and black pepper...)

6:10 PM (1/14/22): "Ingredients of a Subway sandwich, from 6/28/21 at 12:23 PM ('the corn was an addition')..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:21 PM (1/14/22): Interstellar Spoiler in Contact (1997) - YouTube


7:14 AM (3/31/22):

"Interesting video of a 49-year-old Asian man (by the name of Qiang), standing among some hills... He may be a candidate, for one who is experiencing the effects... of 'asymptotic aging'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

It's time to find someone special! (tiktok.com)


Taylor Swift’s evolution in pictures (msn.com)


6:59 AM (4/29/22):

"The reason a large animal lives longer than a small one, is because the metabolic rate per unit mass (or per cell) gets smaller... the bigger the animal (less damage is done at the cellular level, the bigger the animal)..." - Geoffrey West (theoretical physicist and author) 

Why do big creatures live longer? - video Dailymotion

7:06 AM (4/29/22): 

"Regarding the aforementioned paragraph, I believe that principle is valid... to an extent, regarding the heights of human beings... One could think in terms of the 'Goldilocks story,' regarding aerobic fitness... that comes with being not too tall, or too small... given that cardiovascular efficiency, likely plays a role... in longevity" - Michael Izuchukwu

Top 10 Longest Living Animals | OneKindPlanet Animal Education


Is Leonardo DiCaprio The Only Hollywood Bachelor Who Dates 20-Year-Olds? (msn.com)


7:36 AM (6/4/22):
(a photo of Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland... she presently is 36 years old, but imagine if she was 69 here... chronologically)

4:34 PM (6/4/22):
"One wonders how much it's worth, to look 69 years old one day... and then 36 years old, the next... assuming, such a physiological change could be paid for... Nevertheless, due to the biological processes that would require... such a feat is likely 'impossible'... The distortion of 'higher dimensions,' would be a hypothetical requirement... given that 'time' is regarded as the fourth dimension, in the context of spacetime (aside from the three spatial dimensions of length, width and height/depth)...
...If one could erase 33 years from one's physiology, within the timespan of a day (24 hours)... my estimation is that the cost of such would be several trillions of dollars. It has been said time is money, but such cannot be recaptured... so, the two variables... are 'false equivalents'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
4:46 PM (6/4/22):
Theoretical estimate: $3,700,000,000,000 (3.7 trillion dollars), implying that for each year one had shaved off... the cost would be 100 billion dollars (aside from the 400 billion dollar taxation)

"Nothing is certain except death, and taxes..." - Benjamin Franklin, 1789


2:40 PM (10/2/22):

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz307) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos

"I will be 33 years old, in 1 month... and moments ago, I came to a conclusion... about the concept of 'asymptotic aging'. When I turn 33, I believe I will 'have the vibe' of a 23-year-old, regarding what I could 'pass as'... in the context, of 'first impressions'... If I reach the age of 50, and it seems like I am a 28-year-old... then I believe I would have confirmed, that I have been 'asymptotically aging'...

The assumption is that this is in reference to both my 'biological age' and 'spacetime age,' although my chronological age... would be '50,' at 'the' time... I am 50 years old...

[for elaboration on 'spacetime' age, see: THOUGHTS OF THE PRINCE, OF DARKNESS (izthewhiz32.blogspot.com) - press CTRL+F keys, to search for that word (on a laptop or desktop computer)]


...I would essentially have to find a means, for 17 elapsed years... to seem like '5,' implying I would be aging at an average rate... that is 29.411%, of time's passage... 

...this process, likely requires one having a certain vector (magnitude and direction)... and maintaining such, over the years... which requires 'actively' investing effort... in an 'attentive capacity,' given that such is as homeostatic... as psychological..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1. Zeno's paradoxes - Wikipedia

2. Diminishing returns - Wikipedia

3. Newton's laws of motion - Wikipedia

4. Equilibrium - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. Chi - Wikipedia

6. Catalysis - Wikipedia

[intuitively, I sense that one must have an efficient conversion factor... of one's potential energy, to kinetic energy (and the means of sustaining such)... if one seeks to capitalize, on the 'checkpoints, of spacetime']

[observing a female, do a subtle stretch (near 'her mom')... at 11:29 AM... on 8/25/22, in Philadelphia, PA]


1. Life Expectancy by Country and in the World (2022) - Worldometer (worldometers.info)

2. DIMENSIONAL BEING PROGRESSION, FOR THE AFTERLIFE (dimsteps.blogspot.com) (see 9/30/22 entry, for significance... on the integers/numbers of '5' and '17')

"Imagine if you suddenly learned that the people, the places, the moments most important to you... were not gone... not dead, but worse... had never been... What kind of hell, would that be...?" - Dr. Rosen (from the movie 'A Beautiful Mind')
"Not all those who wander, are lost..." - J. R. R. Tolkien

9:30 PM (10/11/22):


4:39 PM (10/16/22):
"...above is testimony, from Denis Andreyevich... ...in terms of 'asymptotic aging,' perhaps the standard time window... in which such is 'inclined' to begin... is 13 to 28, but such is usually contingent... on certain, preceding... 'homeostatic events'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Meet 32-Year-Old Man Who Looks Like A 14-Year-Old Boy — Guardian Life — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News (in the article, Denis is holding his phone... as though saying, 'don't let them know')

4:48 PM (10/16/22): 
"...a certain spirituality, likely accounts... for Denis' expedited experience, of 'asymptotic aging'... ...the Spirit (Holy Spirit) takes precedence to the mind (intellect), which does the same... for the body (physicality)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
If someone 'looks' really/relatively young, and seemingly is experiencing 'aging cessation'... then that likely is attributable to a 'particular spirituality,' given that there may be a correlation... between 'the Spirit,' and 'higher dimensions'...
...'aging cessation' is reflected, by a maintenance of physiological health (internal and external/homeostasis)
NOTE #2:
When the 'above' video was filmed, Denis was my present age (chronological age) of 32 - he will be 35, on October 27, 2022... Yet, his 'spacetime age' is arguably of a '13-year-old'... On 8/12/22, I had 'hypothesized and concluded' that my spacetime age... is '21'... 
...maybe Denis was researching 'aymptotic aging' indirectly, or innately doing that which was necessary... to fulfill this, about 2 years prior (age 11)... to when such 'was achieved'...
NOTE #3:
Regarding 'asymptotic aging,' my hunch is that for the process to be 'effective and enduring'... one must capitalize on the age range of 13 to 28, even though the process may be subject to initiation... in later years...

8:26 PM (10/16/22):

“A theory of mine, which I developed… moments ago... is that in the bible, the ‘144,000’ is in reference to a number of devout… followers of Jesus Christ (God the Son), who could be regarded as saints… The biblical event of ‘the Rapture,’ is characterized by the phrase ‘left behind’… but such is ambiguously interpreted, regarding what that entails… Some say such is a matter of being taken to heaven by God, while others are not… …perhaps, by chariots, or teleportation… I suspect such may be more counterintuitive, and that a credible possibility… may be linked, to the notion… that some people on this planet, will find a means… of connecting to the spirit realm (while in life, in the material realm), and that could be reflected by ‘defiance of spacetime’… which is arguably what ‘asymptotic aging’… is…

If this is so, perhaps of the ‘8’ billion people on Earth (as of November 15, 2022… according to the United Nations)… the bible is stating that approximately ‘144,000’ of them… will find the means, to ‘asymptotically age’…  

[“For all have sinned, and fall short… of the glory, of God…” – Romans 3:23]

The implication of this, is that such individuals would stick around for as long as is necessary… until ‘the Rapture’ transpires… in which God, takes them to heaven.

“Now I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God… nor does the perishable inherit, the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed - in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye… at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable… and we will be changed…” - 1 Corinthians 15:51

[in the context of this passage, whether or not one faces a ‘natural death’… one will ‘awaken’ in the ‘afterlife,’ having a fate that is in accordance… with his/her sentencing… on Judgment Day (by Jesus Christ)]…

Sleeping has the implication, of 'awakening'...

I believe hell could literally be ‘on this Earth’… or another, in the context of the concept of ‘parallel universes’... or ‘ripples through spacetime,’ that alter reality... on this one…

The 144,000 in Revelation (lifehopeandtruth.com)

"...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... you will never enter… the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 18:3

10:57 AM (11/3/22):
"Perhaps it is possible to travel a lightyear (the distance light travels, in one year/5.87 trillion miles)... 'or more'... through spacetime, without having traveled... into space. Perhaps Jesus Christ's ascent to heaven, was partially attributable to the fact... that He saw Himself, as a 'vehicle (with 2 legs and 2 arms)'... and He somehow knew of the 'Alcubierre warp effect'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Alcubierre Gives us an Update on his Ideas About Warp Drives - Universe Today 


The Alcubierre Warp Field and Anti Matter [2020] - YouTube


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