
ON EXISTENTIALISM: PURSUIT OF AN INTRINSIC LIFE (posts of interest, 'at intervals')

 FOR REFERENCE: 1. >>>  Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook  ( ) <<< 2. Michael is on Couchsurfing! | Couchsurfing  ( Press CTRL+F on a laptop or desktop, to search the term 'shelter'... ...via the above site/link... That word, appears '19' times...  3. CLIMBING THE STAIRCASE ( A photo of me, at 11:46 AM... on 10/6/21... ...having stopped by the restroom area, of 'a shelter'... Philadelphia, PA... 9. 1:06 AM (3/22/24): A Beautiful Mind-First Big Date ( 4,348 stars? ...counted...? 8. 10:41 PM (3/21/24): Citizen scientists and AI take a cosmic cruise to discover 430,000 new galaxies | Space Apparently, astronomy in certain countries of Asia (such as Japan)... ...must be 'very advanced,' regarding 'their' knowledgebase... ...of 'cosmological mapping'... Ring galaxies, always 'intrigue' me... ...


I’m 54. My Dad 84. Black Don’t Crack #Shorts - YouTube   & Robert Zane is black?? - YouTube   & 20 behaviours that accelerate aging ( &  ( & The King’s tunnel fits have evolved through the years 👑👀 #NBAIsBack #KingJames #nba #basketball (   (Lebron James' physical transformation, over the course of 2 decades - 2003-2022*) #1 - HIGHER VALUES December 20, 2021  2:08 PM (12/20/21): "It seems logical to follow the course in life, which is most efficient for realizing that... which is intrinsically ideal... This could be denoted by the notion of being 'debt-free,' 'having vitality/excellent health' and 'spiritual investments'... To know one is on such a path, can be challenging... but steps can be taken, to give the prospect greater credence..." - Michael Izuchukwu The Princess and the Goblin (1991) Trailer (VHS Capture) - You